Saturday, April 24, 2021

Counting the Omer 2021 - Week Four

Week Four

In 2021 following the Aristocratic Majority view on when to start counting, we began Counting the Omer on Nisan 22, the day of Resheit or Firstfruits and also Resurrection Sunday (Easter.) On the Gregorian Calendar this was April 4th, 2021. Accordingly the fourth week of counting begins on the 22nd day of the Omer, April 24 at sundown. Week four concludes on the regular Sabbath, which begins Friday April 30th, 2021 in the evening and ends at sundown May 1st. 

Historical context – B.C.E.

As we continue to follow the journey taken by the children of Israel from Egypt to Mount Sinai, we recall how God led them to an oasis of palm trees and fountains at Elim where they remained at Elim throughout weeks two and three. If one reads carefully, is implied in the text that they began to be comfortable and complacent at Elim and that they began to display a sense of self-reliance, forgetting the great signs and wonders with which God had delivered them out of slavery in Egypt and how He had provided for their every need. 
Day 22-28  During week four the Israelites set out from Elim where it is likely that they became comfortable and self-reliant. They journeyed to the Sea of Reeds and camped there. [Numbers 33:10]  They did not leave this place until the following week. [Exodus 16:1]

Historical context in the C.E.

We already saw how Yeshua appeared to the disciples three times and to over 500 brethren during the first three weeks after His resurrection. The text does not provide any further details until His final appearance on the fortieth day after he arose so we are not entirely certain when and how often Yeshua appeared to his followers during Week Four. However, we do know that that he continued to appear to them “being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.” [Acts 1:3]

Day 22-28 The text does not tell us what the disciples were doing during this time, but we do know that they were directed to go to Galilee where he appeared on a number of occasions and that sometime before His ascension, He appeared to James. [1 Cor 15:3-7] It is probable that they were fishing as a means of support and for food, since we know that that is what they were doing when Jesus met them by the Sea of Tiberius.  We must assume that they, being observant Jews and obedient to Torah, were faithfully counting the Omer as commanded by Moses.

Present context in 2021 C.E.

The world is experiencing what appear to be the birth pangs prophesied as a sign of Messiah's return. (Isa 26:17-18; Matt 24:8; 1Thess 5:3; Rev 12:1-2) A worldwide pandemic swept over the earth in 2020 and millionsare required to wear masks and many are told to stay in their homes to escape infection. Economic conditions are on decline in the U.S. and throughout the world. Economic conditions are on decline in the U.S. and throughout the world. Churches are closed and not allowed to meet in many places. Government policies are becoming ever more repressive as our civil liberties are being erased. Religious persecution, support for abortion and subversion of marriage, family and God given gender identity are on the rise. Moral decency is becoming rare in our culture and deceit and wickedness abound. Political divisiveness is more severe than at any time since the Civil War. For example this past week the National Guard and police from surrounding states were called in to maintain order during threats of riots, looting and arson.  Severe plagues of locusts, famines, displacement of refugees, floods, crippling animal disease outbreaks, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions continue in increasing frequency all over the globe. The world system is moving ever closer to global government and a one-world religion. At the same time, attendance at Christian revival meetings is exploding across the U.S.

Sefirat for Week Four of the Omer represents Netzach –  Endurance

According to Jewish Mystical tradition, or Kabbalah, the fourth week of counting the Omer focuses on the Hebrew Concept Netzach – “endurance” or “fortitude”. Netzach, endurance combines patience, persistence and courage. Other attributes of endurance include being reliable and accountable. It also embodies commitment and creates security. Without it, any good endeavor or intention has little chance of success. 
Endurance means to be alive, to be driven by what counts. It is the readiness to fight for what you believe, to go all the way. This, of course, requires that endurance be closely examined to ensure that it is used in a healthy and productive manner. [1]
And so as we begin the fourth week of counting the omer, let us be mindful of the words of the Apostle James, “Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.” [James 1:2-4] And so let us not feign from the trials imposed upon us but let us embrace them, so that we may grow more and more, day by day, into the person we were created to be. 

Charge for week four

Reflect on and record some of the trials you are or have been encountering thus far during the counting of the Omer. What do you think God may be trying to teach you or change in you as a result of what you are going through at this time?

[1] – Counting the Omer

Go to Counting the Omer 2021 - Day Twenty-two

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