Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Counting the Omer 2021 - Day Twenty-six

Day Twenty-six

17th of Iyyar 5781 – from sundown on April 28th to sundown on April 29th, 2021

Begin by reciting the blessing:

ברוך אתה יהוה אלוהינו , מלך העולם , אשר קדשנו במצותי
וציונו עלי לספירת העומר
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha'Olam asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav
v'tizivanu al sefirat ha'omer.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with your commandments and commanded us to count the omer.

Recite the day of the count:

היום ששה ועשרים יום שהם שלשה שבועות וחמשה ימים לעמר
Hayom shishah v'esrim yom, sh'hem shloshah shavuot v'chamishah yamim la'omer.
Today is the twenty-sixth day, making three weeks and five days of the Omer.

Psalm 67: 1-4a  (49 word Paraphrase of NKJV)
God be merciful to us, Bless us and cause His face to shine upon us. That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all the nations.  Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all people praise You. Let them be glad and sing for joy!  

Psalm 19:1-7
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, And rejoices like a strong man to run its race. Its rising is from one end of heaven, And its circuit to the other end; And there is nothing hidden from its heat. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.  

Prayer for day 26: 
Our Father, we implore You, by the awesome power of Your right hand, accept the prayers of your people; strengthen and purify us, Awesome and Mighty King of the Universe, we beseech you, that You guard as the apple of Your eye Your people Israel.  Bless them, cleanse them; bestow upon them forever Your merciful kindness. Powerful, Holy One, we humbly ask that You Strengthen us! Give us courage to stand against the evil powers of this world and the forces of darkness. Heal our land that has been defiled by the shedding of innocent blood and help our nation to turn back to you. Accept our supplication and hear our cryיְהוָ֖ה  Yehovah, You who knows the secret thoughts. Blessed be the name of the glory of His kingdom forever and ever.
Sovereign of the universe, You have commanded us through Moses Your servant to count the days of the omer, in order to purify and cleanse us. Therefore, may it be Your will, Lord our God and God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that in the counting of the omer which I (we) have counted today, I (we) may be purified and sanctified. And through my (our) obedience to your commandments, may Your abundant bounty be granted all the world. May it rectify our soul and our spirit from every impurity and evil intent, and may it purify and sanctify us with all your holiness. 
Abba, father, on this, the twenty-sixth day of the counting of the omer, we remember your bountiful kindnesses to the Israelites, how after you delivered them from slavery in Egypt You brought them into the wilderness to prepare them to become Your special treasure among all the nations of the Earth. And we remember how in the fourth week after He arose, Yeshua lingered with His disciples preparing them for the coming of Your Holy Spirit. We humbly ask that You in the same way, bring us through these present trials and prepare us to humbly take our place in Your promised kingdom. Amen.

After the reciting the prayer, continue to pray and meditate on how after the Israelites became complacent and self-reliant at Elim, they left and then kevetched to Moses. Pray that God will be merciful with us when we are complacent, self-reliant and prideful.

The Sefirot for Day twenty-six is: Hod of Netzach: Humility in Endurance. Sometimes in a display of endurance we steadfastly resist outside pressure out of pride. Enduring can often require us to swallow our pride and yield to pressure just as a tree branch that is supple and bends to the wind fares better than the one that stiffly resists and breaks. Ultimately we must in humility accept that our true source of strength to endure comes from God and that He deserves the credit and thanks. “I am able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” [Philippians 4:13]

Suggested activity for today: Thank God for the various trials that produce character and for the unfathomable strength to endure even the most difficult circumstances.

Suggested reading from the weekly Torah portion: Emor – 5th reading: Leviticus 23:23-32
Suggested reading from the Brit Hadashah: Matt 24:30-31; Rev 11:15

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